Originated in China more then 2,500 years ago, acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), and is one of the most integrative health practices offering a wealth of benefits for preventing age related problems. Since ancient time Traditional Chinese Medicine has established unique view on life, fitness, and prevention of diseases with unique techniques, including acupuncture, moxibustion, tuina (massage), and unity of body and mind exercises practice (such as tai chi and qigong).
According to TCM philosophy, one’s physical health depends on harmony in the functions of internal organs and stable state emotional expression.
TCM approaches the whole body and its overall health conditions, and applies its ancient methods to promoting healthy aging through addressing the root problems during natural aging process.
Getting into regular regimen of acupuncture treatments proves very beneficial for improving emotional balance; memory, sleep quality, digestion, joints health, alleviating pain, improving muscles strength and body balance, increasing testosterone level in men, and enhancing overall vitality.
Longevity & Wellness Acpuncture is dedicated to serving and helping people of all ages in the Tidewater area and beyond to improve their health and well being, and live longer healthier life through the power of Acupuncture restoring and promoting longevity actions.
Lada Alger, L.Ac. is a Diplomate of Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM), licensed by the Virginia Board of Medicine.
She received her Master of Science in Acupuncture from the Virginia University of Integrative Medicine. She traveled to China to study Acupuncture and Moxibustion at China Beijing International Acupuncture Training Center and had her clinical training at the China Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine clinic in 2019. She earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from East Carolina University and has over 25 years of patient care and research experience in a variety of US healthcare settings. She received a Doctor of Medicine (M.D.Pediatrician) degree from National Medical University in Kyiv, Ukraine before relocating to the US. She has been certified in the Korean Sujok style Micro-Acupuncture since 1993, when she studied and worked alongside the founder of the Korean Institute of SuJok Acupuncture, Professor Dr. Park, Jae Woo, whose dreams were to create a pain-free, Smile Civilization.
Lada has several areas of particular interest including: